July 22, 23 & 24, 2024
Smart Materials 2024 In Berlin, Germany During July 22 & 23, 2024
2nd International Conference on Smart Materials & Structures
“Fostering Tomorrow’s Possibilities: Unveiling Innovations and Applications with Smart Materials”
Venue: Hotel NH Collection Berlin Mitte am Checkpoint Charlie, Leipziger Str., Berlin, Germany
Smart Materials 2024 ( Hybrid)
We are delighted to extend a warm invitation for your participation in the upcoming conference scheduled for July 22-23, 2024, in Berlin, Germany. This event serves as a unique gathering for distinguished scholars worldwide in the field of Materials Science. Esteemed directors, scientists, professors, research scholars, postdocs, and academic staff are poised to present their research endeavors, while also embracing emerging technological trends in the expansive realm of Materials Science.Conference will be organised virtually on 24 July 2024
Smart Materials 2024 is an international event to unite scientists, researchers, and industry professionals from across the globe on a shared platform. Here, they can engage in discussions and exchanges centered around the latest advancements in Materials, Chemistry, and Physics. This event presents an exceptional opportunity to share insights, gain new perspectives, and cultivate collaborative research ventures and partnerships.
Meet Smart Materials 2024 Elite Speakers in Berlin
Smart Materials 2024 (Hybrid) | Berlin, Germany | July 22, 23 & 24, 2024

Wen Li
Shanghai University, China

Charlotte A. E. Hauser
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Saudi Arabia

Northwestern Polytechnical University, China

Wei Zhai
Northwestern Polytechnical University, China

Mohamed VI Polytechnic University, Morocco

Zai-Fa Zhou
Southeast University, China

Wei Chen
The University of Texas at Arlington,USA

National Cheng Kung University,Taiwan

K.-U. Neumann
SRH-Hochschule of Applied Sciences,Germany

Ramirez Andres
Western Institute of Technology and Higher Education, Mexico

Nikolaus Stolterfoht
Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie, Germany

Hossein Hosseinkhani
Innovation Center for Advanced Technology,USA

Afang Zhang
Shanghai University, China

Omar Benseghir
Energetic thermal Department,Algeria

Jenq-Gong Duh
National Tsing Hua University,Taiwan
Dates to Remember
Conference Sessions & Tracks
Time Remained for the conference:
Smart Materials & Structures
Submit Abstract
Metallurgy and Materials Science
Submit Abstract
New Energy Materials
Submit Abstract
Advanced Optical Materials
Submit Abstract
Materials Science
Submit Abstract
The Future of Piezoelectricity
Submit Abstract
Advances Materials & Engineering
Submit Abstract
Nanotechnology in Healthcare
Submit Abstract
Joining as Presenter?
Join the conference in three simple steps !!
Submit Abstract
Wait for acceptance
Proceed for Confirmation
Has your abstract been accepted for the conference? you can now proceed with the registration of the conference.
Join Smart Materials 2024 in Berlin, Germany.
Berlin, a city pulsating with historical significance and contemporary dynamism, is poised to host the groundbreaking Smart Materials Conference in July 2024. Renowned as a global epicenter of innovation and culture, Berlin provides an ideal setting for this visionary event, spotlighting the forefront of materials science and technology.
Smart materials, capable of responding to stimuli, adapting to change, and self-healing, are revolutionizing industries across the spectrum. From self-repairing infrastructure to shape-shifting textiles, their potential knows no bounds. The conference will gather luminaries, researchers, and pioneers from diverse fields in Berlin, fostering collaboration, idea exchange, and propelling the trajectory of smart materials toward a future limited only by imagination.
Sponsorship & Exhibition
“We are Open to Sponsorships & Exhibition”. Want to support us financially? or by advertising of your products or services? email us at: info@pagicle.com
Conferences give marketers a key opportunity to build relationships and trust with the prospective clients by offering a personal touch that the virtual and digital can often lack. For consumers, advertising is an opportunity to directly engage with companies and get a feel for their individual brand personality.
Pre-Conference Demo Sessions
An optional demo session will be arranged before the conference. A visual demonstration on uses of virtual platform and agenda release.
Let's Meet in Berlin
(Per Presenter)
Valid for one Slot including all Taxes
(Per Listener)
Valid for one Slot including all Taxes
(Per Poster)
Valid for one Slot including all Taxes
FAQ’s for Presenters
What is the presentation duration for a Keynote/Oral presenter?
Each Keynote Presenter will have 30-45 minutes, while Oral Presenter will have 20-25 minutes for presentation including a Q/A session
What language should I speak during presentation?
All presenters are requested to present their paper only in English.
Do I get a translator during my presentation?
We do not provide any translators during presentations. However, you can hire your own translator for the presentation.
What is the presentation duration for a poster presenter?
Each Poster Presenter will have 10-15 minutes for presentation including Q/A.
We are Open for Exhibitors & Sponsorships.

How will I know if my Abstract is accepted?
Once you submit the abstract, we will let you know the acceptance in 24-48 hours. If you have not received the acceptance of abstract, please contact at our program managers.
Can I still present without attending the conference?
Yes, you can participate in Virtual mode without attending the conference In Person.
How/Where to submit an Abstract?
You can submit your Abstract on our website. Fill the requested details and attached your abstract to the form then hit on Proceed for submission button. Make sure to submit your abstract as per the template. Download the template from the submission page.
Do you have any template/format for Abstract?
Yes, we have a template for abstract submission. Please download from the abstract submission page.
Where can I submit my Abstract?
You may submit your abstract online via our Abstract Submission Portal or you can directly email to conference managers.
Can I submit more than one Abstract?
Yes, you can submit more than one abstract and participate in more than one session either in oral or poster session.